Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Assassination skills to crack

      1, Invisibility. Invisibility finally want to address. The era before the assassination, stealth is not so hateful, but from the bullets out of stealth really good skills hateful, so this I also specifically issued a plus point of the Taoism posts order is breaking stealth. Tracking bombs, his stealth position immediately opposite the stealth put tracking bombs, can track stealth units, to determine the approximate location directly after Black Swan.

     2, to kick off the Star. This skill should pay attention to fight strokes, because his skills to hit the people is invincible status and floating. Invincible is a relatively long time, so pay attention to their own Taoism puncture do not hit this skill. C9 gold

     3, for the assassination of the hands. Plenty of people want to know what starting hands to play assassination. Generally divided into two categories. The first category, the assassination initiative to attack you, keep in mind that no matter how he jumping around, spotted his skills, if any skills close to your body, direct black swan dance. After how do we want to fast and quickly deflected perspective, hard straight even if he happens to be also the Invincible the skills spell out  directly double click, not recommended flat pick attack caught flat now very easy to pick attack, but If the distance away from you, with a flat pick attack.

    Instantaneous step hands assassination. This need not go into detail, direct red escapement, the encounter will bend the assassination of escape, but keep in mind how to bend his final placement are toward you go, we must understand, if you turn fast enough perspective can still his hard straight! sell C9 Gold items COTN

    Assassination skills is probably so few eating skills, others are even strokes used, not much to say. Dozen other professions are going to be chasing close fight to fight, and the only one assassination, remember do not rush silly, until he came, even if they have to take the initiative to attack, we must maintain a good distance! Remember, perspective must be referred to fast, self-defense skills black swan dance, no double-click, the energy of the storm with less closing strokes too slow, critical moment of unparalleled flurry can have unexpected results, because of the unparalleled flurry instant invincible tyrants body, short, fine! do not be attacked.

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