Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The group of 25 horse the president or command directly hairball?

Allocation problem treasure trove of old 5 horse just now felt, no wonder 25 Group fewer

Post in the group of people think that the head of the horse himself is normal, but his reason not to. This horse, the newcomers are not qualified.

I really have nothing to say, and willing to put the horse officials are generally to the head of the Association. There are several others willing.

And I said what feelings do play FB to equipment. This is 25 fewer.

Of course, 5.1 25 certainly rise, because the total CD, of course, I have to at the same time playing 25, said the white or for equipment.

Well, the group of 25 mounts, beat gold or we ROLL certainly no problem.


  1. I really have nothing to say, and willing to put the horse officials are generally to the head of the Association. There are several others willing.D3 gold
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